Enjoy the limited offer of Aquabus which allows you to travel to Formentera departing from the port of Ibiza town. As an advantage compared to other companies, this time you don't have to go and return on the same day like the other tourist ferries, but you can return to Ibiza on a different day if you plan to spend some time on the neighbouring island.
The frequency of departures and returns will increase, with July and August being the months when you'll find the most options for departures and returns.
Departure: From Ibiza City Port, maritime station (in front of McDonalds Ibiza): 09:15am, 11:15am, 6:45pm
Return: From Formentera, La Savina Port: 10:15am, 5:15pm, 7:45pm
- Luggage, suitcases and bicycles are allowed on board and your pet can accompany you free of charge.